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Black Cypress Mulch
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Black Cypress Mulch

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A dark Carbon Cypress mulch developed to enhance the natural greens and colours of a garden or landscape.

If you are looking for a unique project finish and an enhanced garden appearance, this is the high quality coloured mulch for you. We use industry-leading technologies and natural carbon black dye. The dye is ground into the product to give long-lasting colour in this fine, consistent textured mulch. Our Carbon Black mulch has the added benefit of Cypress natural termite Resistance. 

  • Rich long lasting Black colour
  • Retains moisture, reducing water requirements for your garden
  • Environmentally sustainable
  • Natural Termite Resistance*
  • Fresh Cypress fragrance
  • Complies with Australian Standard 4454-2012 
  • 100% Genuine Cypress

* Like any natural bark or mulch, the tannins will run if put onto light concrete, tiles, or other surfaces. We recommend a delivery drop location on grass, dirt, or on a tarp. 

Get In Touch

42 Hutchinson St,
Burleigh Heads,
QLD - 4220

Opening Hours

6:00AM - 4:30PM

6:00AM - 2:00PM